According to the Cleveland Clinic, only 10% of women can easily achieve orgasm. The other 90% have to deal with many outside factors that can impede their ability to climax. To help women out there and improve their sexual and reproductive health, we’ve done some research to unearth the reason for these struggles. Here are 7 reasons why women struggle with orgasms:1. Anxiety
Anxiety can cause intrusive thoughts that may make it difficult to orgasm. A 2018 survey indicated that more than half of the women surveyed cited anxiety as a reason for why they struggled to achieve orgasm.
2. Low oxytocin levels
Oxytocin — also known as the “feel good” or “love” hormone — goes hand-in-hand with orgasms and stress is a key culprit. If your body isn’t producing enough of it, climaxing can be more difficult.
3. Dehydration
Drinking water throughout the day can prevent everyday health problems like fatigue and constipation, and can also help you climax in the bedroom.
4. Body-image issues
If you don’t feel good about yourself, chances are you’re going to have a more difficult time feeling good during sex. One common reason that women may fail to orgasm is because they are overthinking. This might be because of body image insecurities.
5. You’re afraid to lose control
When you’re taught to be in control of every aspect of your life, it can be tough to do the exact opposite in bed. Sadly, this could also be the reason you’re unable to orgasm. Why? Well, orgasms tend to take over as they move throughout your body.
Our advice: relaxxx…
6. You’re in pain
If a woman is experiencing pain or discomfort during sex, it will be incredibly difficult for her to orgasm. Disorders in women such as Vulvodynia and Vaginismus that cause pain during sex can be responsible for this and they often go undiagnosed.
If you experience pain during intercourse and you’re enduring a mediocre sex life because of it, please consult a healthcare professional.
7. You’re not vocal about what you want.
Your partner is not a mind reader so staying silent about what turns you on isn’t going to help either of you. One important factor that leads to feelings of safety and comfort with a partner is the ability to communicate your needs. Ask for what you want, and guide your partner in pleasing you.
Finally, we’d like to add that you should take things easy and not lose sight of the journey. Overemphasizing orgasms can make sex feel like a goal-oriented task, turning intimacy into more work than pleasure. When we try too hard or focus too much on the outcome, pleasure, arousal, sensuality and connectivity can elude us.